Thursday, October 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Ty

Saturday, September 27th, we celebrated Tyson's second birthday. Our theme was, "The Bee Movie". Chosen because, for the previous 2 weeks, Tyson carried around "Barry Bee" (a toy from a McDonald's Happy Meal) & his face lit up every time that movie was selected.
Honestly, as Momma Foote said, I'm not sure Ty actually knew it was his birthday. However, we sure did, and we celebrated it in the best way we knew how... you guesses it... PETER PIPER!
The original plan was to do the party at our house and cover the walls of our family room with butcher paper and let the kiddos color on the walls (since that's Ty's favorite activity). Unfortunately, after 3 weeks of sick boys (including Matty) I decided that I didn't have the energy to antibacterial my house or risk sharing our sicky bugs.
When it was time to blow out the candle, Ty was fascinated by the flame and practically burned his own fingers as he attempted to extinguish the fire in the only way he knew how. Fortunately, Alex was more then willing to assist in blowing out the candle. Matty was kind enough to take these pictures. The guests that attended included, Momma & Papa Shumway, Mark & Tara, Uncle Jake, Momma & Papa Foote, Wendy & Brian, lil Brian, Griffin, & Lincoln. Uncle Ben, Westin & Sage, Adam & Nikki w/ Seth & Karsyn, Aunt Molly, Scarlett, our adopted Aunt Kathy and her daughters, Jessica & Allison ( Who are Ty & Alex's Favorite sitters and close friends) Thank you all for coming and helping make this day a special memory for our family!


  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    FUN!! Happy Birthday Ty!! You're such a fun mommy, Sarah!

  2. Sounds like it was a hit. You sent the kids home with some very cute things, your the best. Thanks for the cute outfits for Rhett, they are darling.

  3. What a great picture! You are the party queen! If you want to help me plan scarlett's 2nd bday I would be happy to have the help. We are probably going to do the Backyardigans as a theme.

  4. Sorry, I still have a TON more pictures to post but... I just haven't finished.

    Molly, I would love to help you with Scarlett's Party. Also, do you know how to post video? Matty took a great one at the party...Wes is even doing the Happy Dance.

  5. Sarah! I'm so glad you have a blog so I can keep up with you now! I'm glad you found my blog too. :) Your kids are such cuties. Sounds like a fun party! :)

  6. Happy Bday, Ty!!! You're more adorable than ever! Can you believe it's been 2 years, Sarah?

  7. We had fun at the party, Peter Piper is always a hit. The goodies you gave to the kids was such a great idea, Karsyn loves her crayons and book, we havn't pulled out the playdough yet, she will for sure try to eat it. Cute pictures too.

  8. How fun! Happy birthday to Ty! :)
