Thursday, January 08, 2009

6th Time's Sublime

For anyone who has read more then one of my blogs entries, it is simple to grasp that I was not an English major. Spelling and the finer points of grammar/ punctuations are not my fine points. Memorization gets you through spelling tests in elementary school then life happens.

Before mainstream computer days, my rough drafts for essays were a train wreck of red disgracefulness marks. Wanting my papers to look pretty, I could barely walk back to my seat. And every time my Mom corrected my paper, I would say, but beside all that, is itOK?

Final Semester senor year, ceramics was my most challenging class . Imagine that... the instructor actually expected my pieces to be functional. Believe me, that took a lot of lunch hours for this artist.
While graduating with a 3.8, I was slightly ill prepared for College. You know the place, I headed off to Mesa Community College commonly referred to as high school with ashtrays.

Truth be known, I took English 102 a total of 6 times, generally dropping before the HUGE FINAL paper was due.

I loved to research and was very passionate about multiple topics. Still the compilation of the "perfect paper" was overwhelming and beyond my grasps. There was so much information out there. And to choose some, deject others, there were just so many great things to be said on every topic and research data charts pictures there was no end to it all.
Understandably, my final English 102 Professor took a bit of special internist in me. I believe he was intrigued as he'd never known of a student who had dropped so many times times only to return the following semester. I had taken his class 3 of the 6 times from him as he was the most entertaining and easy going of options.
Finally, on the 6th go round completion was achieved. The best thing I learned from that process was this idea.
"Whoever says the most in the least number of words wins."
I'm thankful to that man who because he taught me that lesson and believe that even after 5 incomplete semesters I could achieve goal.

And Finally Gotta Say it....

Thank you, Thank you, thank you spell check
And whoever invented it. Seriously, you might not even understand much of what I write had it not been invented.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Go English! I hated my college English Teacher. I took two rounds of English smashed into 1 called honors english. I HATED it. I am not sure if it was the jerky professor, that it was a 740am class, or the subject matter...

  2. English isn't so bad. After all, we choose to speak it. Anyway, it was a fun post to read and most of us rely on spell checker.

  3. Very true, Sarah! Love spell check. If only it would also read through my posts and make sure everything sounds good too. That might be too much to ask!

  4. Oh I didn't ever enjoy English, if I went to college I'm sure it would've been 7 times for me...haha. I seriously will read my posts and comments about 10 times before I even post them, I am always fixing and changing.

  5. I love your posts, Sarah. I'm glad you decided to rejoin the blogging community! Love the pics of the boys too. Adorable angels :)

  6. Well GOOD for you for perservearing, at leat you finally did it. I think I took the class twice, 'cause UGH, who enjoys 20 page research papers? No ONE, that's who. While I'm a pretty good speller, I severely suck with punctuation and grammar. I'm a tragic shame to my Mother, who used to send me notes during my mission about how to and too were different and how they should be used. Oh well, what ya gonna do?
