Wednesday, January 21, 2009

See The Art in Me

Every other week, someones mom arrived to our classroom carrying an amazing treasure.
Many pieces dated back hundreds of years while others were contemporary.
The details shared provided us with a small taste of who the creator , culture and period of the piece.

Years passed, my love for art continued to grow.

Sophomore year, with hopes for an easy A, I chose painting.
This time, with brush in hand it was far easier to appreciation the skills that were painstakingly forged in many of the pieces I'd studied.
I dreamed of the earlier depictions that had seemed to magically dance across the canvases.

For 3 years I painted, and sculpted. Brilliance never struck my paintings however, creating swans, buildings, lake houses, gardens were perhaps the happiest hours of my high school years.

When I graduated, I put away childish things. For, starving and artist had become synonymous.

If I could do it again, I would have left a small amount of time for the things that I love. Balance? Is that what it's called? Apparently, all or nothing is a quick way to burn out.
One last thought on art.

Many people have lived, and died feeling like complete failures.
And now, their works cover the walls of museums throughout the world.

Don't Sell Yourself Short!

When I think of many of you, I see masterpieces or at least amazing works in progress.
I've studied enough art to know that even flawed work can have amazing value.

Please don't wait until you die to discover it!
Love you all!

Sarah S. Foote

PS (See the Art in me is on of my favorite Jars of Clay Songs)


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    wow what a great and inspiring post! Thanks for that reminder.

  2. Inspiring! I love your art work I have seen you do! I especially like seeing it displayed!!

  3. what can i say .... i just love you !!! you are so inspiring in the most simple and amazing quiet ways - i admire you - i respect you - i look up to you - i hope to someday be like you miss sarah foote . thank you !!!
