Monday, January 12, 2009

Eternal Perspective

I recently came across this old poem from 1988. I wrote it during the 4th grade after moving to a new school.

A Dream, a wish, a want, a hope
Will settle upon a striving goal.

One day you wonder, where you are.

Is your glory
The sun,
the moon
or a star
As a child, you may often wonder,
Will your life be filled will thunder?

Or will the sun shine through the clouds?
When things go wrong,

There is a doubt, but with a dream, a wish a want or even a hope,
Your life can be filled with love I know.

It's funny, while 20 years have passed, my perspective has changed very little.
There have been many sunny seasons and others times, like James Taylor's song says, when I thought the rain would never end.
With the small amount of perspective I've gain, it's easy to say,what a blessing the ride is.


  1. Sarah, you have a deep and beautiful way of expressing yourself! I really had no idea until I started following your blog. I hope you are doing well. As I have started reading your blog, and Kelyn (Kivett), Wendy's, some of my nieces...and just where they are in their takes me back to when my children were all so young, and John was so busy with work, was a lonely time sometimes for me. Hang in there! I sound so cliche...I'm going to say it...but as much as I love where I'm at right now...teenagers, young adults, grade schoolers too...but no toddlers, no diapers anymore...I do miss those years. I don't miss the stress that came with hawling 4 or 5 young children around everywhere, but I miss the innocence of it all. I think you're GREAT!

  2. You are so awesome. What an amazing poem for such a young girl. Love Ya!
